Thanks to the excellence of its products La Bottega del Gelato has attracted the interest of national and international press, as well as mass media on several occasions.
Besides the numerous prizes and awards, the real satisfaction comes from the positive comments of custumers and critics for the quality of our gelato. La Bottega del Gelato has been on top of the rankings of best ice cream shops for decades and suggested by several different tourist guides.
+Gambero Rosso2017
+TG4, Rete 4 - Mediaset2017
+Globe Trotter Mook2016
+The Blonde Salad2015
+Il Gelatiere Italiano2015
+Vanity Fair2014
+Ktv Nijiiro Jean2014
+Il Giorno2014
+Il Giorno2004
+Ezio Guaitamacchi, Psycho Killer2013
+Gelato Artigianale2013
+Il Giorno2012
+Gambero Rosso2012
+Süddeutsche Zeitung2003
+Verde Oggi2002
+City Milano2002
+La Notte1990